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Mac App Store - TYGraph


This app can help you to get a professional chart by only a few clicks. 6 kinds of theme can be selected. 6 kinds of theme can be selected.

+  Scatter
-  Basic Scatter

-  Bubble

-  Scatter with Regression

-  Scatter with Connect
-  Normal Q-Q Plot

+  Bar
-  Basic Bar
-  Stacked Bar
-  Counts of Unique Values
-  Function of Variables

   (Mean, Sum, Minimum, Maximum, Median, Standard Deviation, Variance, Coefficient of Variation)

+  Line
-  Basic Line
-  Stacked Area

-  Step Line

+  Pie
-  Basic Pie
-  Doughnut

+  Graph
-  Basic Graph
-  Graph with Category

+  Radar

+  Special

-  Boxplot

-  Normal Distribution Plot

-  Chi-Square Distribution Plot

-  F Distribution Plot

-  Poisson Distribution Plot