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TYS: Import & Export FileViews:147times
Summary • Import file formats: ESRI Shapefile, Geojson, Binary • Export file formats: Geojson, Binary Format ESRI Shapefile • The recognized files: *.shp, *.shx, *.dbf, *.prj. • We must have two files (*.shp, *.shx) at least during importing. Geojson • Geojson is a json format, its suffix is .json. • Geojson stores type and coordinates of geometry. Steps 1. Click Tool Box button in the Menu Bar. The dialog is used to add vector data to the TYSpace map view. Vector data are spatial data described using geometres of points, lines and polygons (enclosed areas). 2. Double click Shape File. (Example) 3. Click ... button to select .shp file for importing ESRI Shapefile.