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E: Points__Cylinders



•  Save as KML / KMZ : Create the output file name.

•  Name : Column that contains the names for the points.

•  Description : Column that contains the descriptions for the points.

•  Midpoint

     Longitude(Degrees) : Column that contains the longitude coordinations for the points.

     Latitude(Degrees) : Column that contains the latitude coordinations for the points.

•  Color Option : Defines the color to be used to fill the cylinders. Color Type contains Fixed and Vary.

•  Radius(Meters) : Defines the radius for the cylinders. Radius Type contains Fixed and Vary.

•  Height(Meters) : Defines the height for the cylinders. Height Type contains Fixed and Vary.


1. Create a new datasheet and enter or import the necessary data.

2. Select the Points | Cylinders.

3. Enter the options as described above.

4. Click the OK button.

5. You can get a KML file.